What are your summer dreams made of?
Easy breezy or firecracker? Spacious silence or jam packed adventure? Not sure? Let's look at the numbers!
Numerology is a powerful tool. By tuning in to the universal energy around us, we can find peace in the present. But it's more than that...
With forecasting, you can make the most out of YOUR LIFE. The numbers are here to help you plan for those moments that you dream of. To feel more ease and flow. To identify ahead of time the challenges and obstacles so you can simply plan to step around them. Your best summer is ahead of you, it's time to make the most of it!
Hello Summer...what's in your cards?
In this 90-minute interactive workshop, I share with you my summer forecast. Using a unique methodology of calculations and collective channeling, I will bring the numbers to life so you will not only know them, but FEEL them.
You will also receive a PERSONALIZED FORECAST, based on your date of birth. You'll know exactly what energy is here to support you, so you can be more intentional with your plans.
Through the use of visualization and powerful journal prompts, you will create your very own SUMMER DREAMS ROAD MAP with my custom numerology mad lib, and have the chance to ask questions that are on your mind and in your heart.
First, we plan energetically. Then, logistically. Believe me...it makes all the difference!
Saturday June 25, 2022
8am-9:30am PT
On Zoom
Includes downloadable Workbook to use during workshop + Replay!
$21 CAD
Free for VIP Members of The Uncommon Denominator Subscription
Not a member? You can join for just $33 and receive this workshop FREE!
Summer Dreams
A numerology inspired workshop to build the summer of your dreams!

“I am so grateful and inspired by the clarity that Jessica’s gifts have brought to my life, both personally and professionally. Her insights and intuitive ability to be able to connect the dots creates a strong sense of empowerment as I move through life.
-Meredith Dawson

What is numerology?Numerology is the study of energy and patterns in numbers and the numerical value of letters in words, names, and ideas. Each number has a unique energy, frequency, and vibration to it.
What type of numerology do you practice?I am certified in Practical and Advanced Numerology theory, based on the work of Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and philosopher who lived from 569 to 470 BC. Pythagoras began his theory of numbers by discovering the numerical relationship between numbers and musical notes - finding that the vibrations in stringed instruments could be mathematically explained. The Pythagorean method uses an individual's name and date of birth and as well as theories of universal energy and vibration.
Can’t I just run my own numbers on the internet?Sure, you can run your numbers - but a certified numerologist can help you turn that knowledge into wisdom. In my readings, I provide you with an in-depth understanding of what they mean and how they intersect with the world around you. I hold a non-judgmental mirror up, so you can take a pure honest look at yourself and give you journal prompt activations and suggestions to feel more aligned.
What else can I use numerology for?In addition to Personal Energy/Birthchart Interpretations, there is also Universal Energy. Energy that is available to all of us, on any given day. By knowing this forecast, we can learn to harness the energy and schedule accordingly - giving us more efficiency, freedom, and joy.
How does the Couple Reading Work? What is composite energy?Composite energy is the combination of two people to form a unique relationship. It’s not about opposite energy, it’s about complementary energy. This can give you a unique perspective into your relationship and help start a non-judgemental conversation about what’s going on for both of you.