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The Uncommon Denominator

Monthly Subscriptions

Universal Energy is a common denominator, energy that is felt by all of us. Just like a weather forecast helps you prepare for the day, my unique subscription forecasts the energy to help you feel confident for the month ahead. 

The UNcommon Denominator is YOU. Tracking your energy, thoughts, and feelings is your secret sauce to unlocking the full potential of the energy game. It's not about dodging the vibes but dancing with them, understanding their beats and rhythms. Imagine it as knowing whether it's going to rain, so you grab that umbrella.


Why does it matter? Well, engaging with the energy around you is like stepping into a clear, sunny day—you activate your own well-being. Picture it: a life filled with calm, peace, and ease.  Who doesn't want more of that?


The Journal

Monthly energetic forecast and journal that includes: 


  • Universal Monthly Forecast

  • Affirmations to help you anchor in the energy

  • Highlighted dates

  • Daily universal energy

  • Daily energy activations, powerful journal prompts that you can write on or simply ponder

  • Daily energetic tips, clear actions you can take to make the most of the energy present

  • Numerological inspired playlist for you to put on blast

$11 CAD Per Month


The Subscription

An innovative energetic support system designed especially for YOU! It's like having your own personal Numerologist on call.


  • The Uncommon Denominator Journal

  • Daily energetic texts, designed to give you a burst of energy when you need it most

  • A personalized energy forecast, created just for you based on your unique numerology.  Delivered by video at the start of each month so you can watch (and re-watch) on your schedule.

  • Monthly group check-in via Zoom includes love-seat coaching, live readings, and more!

  • Exclusive discounts, offerings, and events only available to this group. 

$77 CAD Per Month

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